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Gabriel Arbi­tra­tion is an inde­pen­dent dis­pute res­o­lu­tion law firm spe­cial­iz­ing in inter­na­tion­al arbi­tra­tion with office in Zurich, Switzer­land. Clients ben­e­fit from first class-dis­pute res­o­lu­tion ser­vices, few­er con­flicts of inter­est and com­pet­i­tive pricing.

Recent cas­es:

Our areas of exper­tise include:


Gabriel Arbi­tra­tion offers two dif­fer­ent pric­ing options for work as counsel: 

  1. Clas­si­cal pric­ing on rea­son­able hourly rates.

  2. Com­mer­cial pric­ing, shar­ing the client’s risks and chances: