Arbitration vs. prior expert determination
Schiedsgericht versus Schiedsgutachter,
Commentary by Simon Gabriel on Swiss Federal Tribunal decision 4A_428/2015 on Feb. 1, 2016
The present decision in setting aside proceedings before the highest Swiss court concerns the relationship between arbitration (“Schiedsgericht”) and prior expert determination (“Schiedsgutachten”). In this respect, the Swiss Federal Tribunal clarified: (i) In expert determination proceedings, the expert has no competence to decide on his own jurisdiction (no “competence-competence”). (ii) The expert determination has no res iudicata effects. Consequently, an arbitral tribunal is in a position to review the prerequisites of the expert determination.
Moreover, the case raises the intriguing issue to what extent keeping objections “in reserve” is admissable. While the Swiss Federal Tribunal applies a strict standard in arbitration proceedings, the situation in expert determination proceedings has – unfortunately – not been clarified in the present decision.
(Slightly amended English translation of German summary)