Strict onus to object in situations of arbitrator challenges
Strenge Rügeobliegenheit in Ablehnungskonstellationen,
Commentary by Simon Gabriel on Swiss Federal Tribunal decision 4A_620/2012 on May 29, 2013
The Swiss Federal Tribunal considers belated objections in cases of arbitrator challenges as forfeited. It clarifies that the time limit for objections also applies to arbitrator candidates who have not yet been confirmed. Potential infringements of “non-waivable red list”-criteria of the IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interest in International Arbitration are not examined by the Swiss Federal Tribunal as the right to object has been forfeited. This implies that the Swiss Federal Tribunal does not consider “non-waivable red list”-constellations as being untenable as a matter of principle under Swiss lex arbitri.
(Slightly amended English translation of German summary)