Chambers 2021 The Legal 500 WWL TL Arbitration 21 2x wwl 2x cc16 2x eg20


Interim awards on preliminary issues of jurisdiction are not subject to appeal

«Zuständigkeitsvor­fra­gen­schiedssprüche» sind nicht beschwerdefähig
Com­men­tary by Axel Buhr on Swiss Fed­er­al Tri­bunal deci­sion 4A_98/2017 of 20 July 2017

The deci­sion con­cerns a fur­ther arbi­tra­tion brought by a Yukos com­pa­ny against the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion regard­ing com­pen­sa­tion claims for alleged expro­pri­a­tion. With its deci­sion, the Swiss Fed­er­al Tri­bunal resolves a pro­ce­dur­al issue which has not been pre­vi­ous­ly addressed by Swiss case law or legal doc­trine: May par­ties chal­lenge an award which only resolves pre­lim­i­nary ques­tions of juris­dic­tion but does not final­ly set­tle the issue itself? The Swiss Fed­er­al right­ful­ly refus­es to hear the appeal, not­ing that any grounds for appeal could (and should) be brought with an appeal against the future award on jurisdiction.